Encourage & Assist Seniors in Social Engagements

Encourage & Assist Seniors in Social Engagements

“Man is by nature a social animal” – Aristotle

Whether it is by providing transportation to, accompanying and monitoring safety at events and social gatherings, or by helping clients host get-togethers at their home, our caregivers encourage and assist seniors to remain social and involved in their communities. This helps our clients feel needed, provides mental stimulation, reduces loneliness and depression.

“Mom couldn’t have been happier with Ricky’s work ethic and professionalism. She kept repeating, “what a difference”. For the first time, mom brought up the possibility of Ricky driving her to a bi- weekly lunch group with her friends and their caregivers. I know it is the honeymoon period, but great start!”
– Jill J (client’s daughter).

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